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Chvad SB

Here at Silber, Chvad SB has been on our radar pretty much since day one. His musical career started back in 1991 & when we were really getting Silber in gear he was running Facility Records & putting out compilations that our bands were appearing on. So even though it’s been about two decades, we’re glad to finally officially start working together.

For over 20 years Chvad SB has been performing & recording music, playing with a wide range of innovative & envelope-pushing bands like Things Outside The Skin (Invisible Records, Facility Records), Tongue Muzzle (Facility Records), The Qualia (WTII Records), & recently, experimental music pioneers Controlled Bleeding (Wax Trax, Soleil Moon, others). In addition he’s been doing film soundtracks that the folks at Fangoria find “discordant & discomforting.”

Chvad SB’s sonic experiments focus on finding new sounds & textures, but always with a human edge. Using a wide variety of instruments including modular synthesizers, found objects, hand-built instruments, guitars, & voice, Chvad SB builds soundscapes that are as unsettling as they are familiar. Many compositions & performances are entirely improvisational in nature while others are arranged & developed over the course of years.

Chvad SB recently scored the feature film GUT which has been praised repeatedly for effectively establishing the subtle and uneasy tone of the film.

On Crickets Were the Compass, Chvad SB has created a testament of loss. The music is made up of abstract passages, at times dissonant and at other times melodic. Soothing in some moments, aggressive and angry in others, the record tells a story of coming to terms with fond memories and letting them go.

For 2016's Phenomenalism, Cartesian Doubt and Bomb #20 Chvad spent 2 years building an analog synth capable of self-generating music.  The next phase or the last phase in musical intelligence?

Chvad SB discography
Chvad SB - Intone Drone Chvad SB - Intone Drone
MP3 Album 2018 | Silber 275
1 track, 63 minutes
$3 download
Listen on Silber | Listen on Bandcamp | Listen on Spotify
For decades Chvad SB has been following his own muse, creating music that fulfills his personal interests & so he does again in his latest exploration Intone Drone. Beginning January 17, 2018 & continued for 15 hours every weeknight after 5pm EST streaming from his studio to whomever happened upon it via Shoutcast, Chvad was sculpting a new drone piece. Each passing day a new element was either introduced into, removed from or changed within the drone. Three weeks later the drone ended. Unsure at the beginning of the project how long it would last, on the 21st day it felt complete. For this release, segments of each 15 hour day were arranged to create a complete remnant for this first installment of Intone Drone. It's the mixture of meditation & sleep soundtrack you didn't realize you were looking for, because the more personal & necessary to be made music is, somehow the more universal it also is.

: Press Release
: : Digital Booklet

Track Listing:
Intone Drone

Chvad SB - Intone Drone Chvad SB - Intone Drone
MP3 Album 2018 | Silber 275
1 track, 63 minutes
$3 download
Listen on Silber | Listen on Bandcamp | Listen on Spotify
For decades Chvad SB has been following his own muse, creating music that fulfills his personal interests & so he does again in his latest exploration Intone Drone. Beginning January 17, 2018 & continued for 15 hours every weeknight after 5pm EST streaming from his studio to whomever happened upon it via Shoutcast, Chvad was sculpting a new drone piece. Each passing day a new element was either introduced into, removed from or changed within the drone. Three weeks later the drone ended. Unsure at the beginning of the project how long it would last, on the 21st day it felt complete. For this release, segments of each 15 hour day were arranged to create a complete remnant for this first installment of Intone Drone. It's the mixture of meditation & sleep soundtrack you didn't realize you were looking for, because the more personal & necessary to be made music is, somehow the more universal it also is.

: Listen to Intone Drone
: Press Release
: Reviews
Chvad SB - Structure Chvad SB - Structure
MP3 Album 2017 | Silber 257
2 tracks, 44 minutes
$5 download
Listen on Silber | Listen on Bandcamp | Listen on Spotify absolute must have...
~ Floorshime Zipper Boots

Chvad SB’s sonic experiments focus on new sounds & textures, but always with a human edge. On Structure we have densely droning stings & slide guitar for tow slabs of drone caught in an endless moment.

: Listen to the track Column
: Press Release

: Reviews
Chvad SB - Phenomenalism, Cartesian Doubt and Bomb 20 Chvad SB - Phenomenalism, Cartesian Doubt and Bomb #20
MP3 Album 2016 | Silber 215
1 tracks, 73 minutes
$5 download
Listen on Bandcamp | Listen on Spotify
Chvad SB designs a self-playing computer free synthesizer.  The next generation of musicians is human free.

: Listen to an exerpt from Phenomenalism, Cartesian Doubt and Bomb #20
: Press Release
: Reviews
Chvad SB - Outside the Shadow of an Aliquot Tree Chvad SB - Outside the Shadow of an Aliquot Tree
MP3 EP 2015 | Silber 178
5 tracks, 5 minutes
$1 download
Chvad SB abandons his synths for five one minute guitar explorations.

: Listen to the track Untouchable One
: Press Release
: Reviews
Chvad SB - Crickets Were the Compass Chvad SB - Crickets Were The Compass
CD Album 2014 | Silber 153
6 tracks, 54 minutes
$12 ($18 international, $5 download)
Chvad SB of Things Outside the Skin & Controlled Bleeding comes to Silber for an ambient drone lament on love & loss.

: Listen to the track It Haunts Her
: Press Release
: Reviews

Chvad SB links
Chvad SB official Website
Chvad on Facebook
Chvad on Twitter
Chvad on Soundcloud