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issue 13
black tape for a blue girl interview
An April March interview
Black Planet interview
Straight Edge interview
Responsible Self Deliverance
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Responsible Self-Deliverance

    I'm not as against suicide as would be healthy.  I don't openly advocate it for everyone, but I recognize it as a means of self-empowerment.  I don't think it is necessarily selfish as long as you act responsible & professional about the whole thing; though in the course of acting this way I suppose most people would choose not to do it.  Basically, treat it the same way you would if you had a terminal disease; because essentially, that's what you got.  Here are some guidelines I've come up with:

                1. Finding an Executor
                2. Will & Testament
                3. Letters
                4. Means
                5. Discovery of the Body
                6. Death on a Trial Basis

1. Finding an Executor
        This can be semi-difficult & if you can't do it, you're probably not ready to kill yourself yet.  You need to find someone to take charge after you die & you need to consult them & make sure they're comfortable with the position.  If you can't convince them that what you are doing is right you probably haven't really convinced yourself.  Also, keep in mind this person will be bombarded with question & maybe seen as partially responsible for your death.  & don't forget about looking into cemetary plots versus cremation & discussing the funeral.

2. Will & Testament
        You need to decide what you're going to do with all your stuff.  Who's it going to?  If you want to act really responsible, after you make the list of where your stuff is going; go ahead & give the things to them & they won't have to pay as much tax.  Also, insurance policies do pay for suicides as long as you have them long enough.  I think it's usually two years or so....

3. Letters
        This is maybe the hardest part.  You need to write individual letters to everyone that you want to know that you died or maybe who you'd want to know if they died or maybe both.  Handwritten, none of that slightly adjusting stuff in the computer crap.  Tell them that it's not their fault (even if it is, you probably shouldn't make them suffer through that) & explain things to them.  No matter how hard core you think you are, writing letters to your family & people you never fell all the way out of love with is tough stuff.  If you don't come up with at least twenty people you're lying to yourself.

4. Means
        There are a lot of ways to try & do it.  The most successful statistically is a gun, but that's just too messy for me, somebody has to clean it up eventually.  I heard some storyline about some guy putting his head in a kevlar bag in a slow draining bathtub, but I think that's just land of make believe stuff.  Pills plus alcohol allegedly don't hurt much, but you can vomit the stuff out after you pass out.  The same with the carbon monoxide from a car, but there's a danger of your car running out of gas before you die.  There's the good old plastic bag with rubber bands to seal around your neck, but don't forget the ice to make it less stuffy before you die.  Slashing your wrists is harder to work than it seems, you basically need to go to the bone & that makes it hard to get the second arm.  I hear a good little twist on this is slashing your legs at the thighs for the same trick, or I guess you can go for the throat.  Hanging yourself I guess is considered somehow eloquent.  Drowning you can make look accidental.

5. Discovery of the Body
        Somebody will eventually find you.  At least probably.  So be considerate.  Don't let people find you in a way that will permanently traumatize them (e.g. people hanging or scenes with tons of blood).  Piece together who you want to find the body & how to get them to.  I guess if you want you can kill yourself in oversized plastic bags in a dumpster & not need to worry about your body ever being found, but this can be really inconsiderate because it might allow someone to hope you're still alive.

6. Death on a Trial Basis
        Here's something you can do to just try things out.  Give everything away.  Write vague letters saying your leaving town.  Leave the city you live in.  Go somewhere you've never lived before.  Work physical labor that pays daily only enough to pay for living expenses.  See if anything changes after a few months to clear your head.  If it hasn't, I guess return to step one or seek professional assistance or try out substance abuse....