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QRD #62 - Indie Comic Creators Part VI
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Indie Comic Creator Interviews:
Jay Payne
Steven Myers
William Dean Blankenship, Jr
Ted Intorcio
Lucas Herr
Troy-Jeffrey Allen
Jeff Gibbons
Brian Hagen
Nils Balls
Eric Grissom
Eric Ratcliffe
Steve Peters
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William Dean Blankenship Jr
William Dean Blankenship Jr
William Dean Blankenship Jr
William Dean Blankenship Jr
William Dean Blankenship Jr
William Dean Blankenship Jr
Indie Comic Creator Interview with William Dean Blankenship, Jr
May 2013
William Dean Blankenship Jr
Name: William Dean Blankenship, Jr
City: Recently relocated to Brentwood, CA.
Comics: Special Edition, Crazy Mary, Double Jumpers
Websites: twitter.com/MadcapComicswilliamblankenshipjr.deviantart.com/

QRD – How old were you when you first got into comics & did you always stick with them or did you come back to them?

William – I can’t remember ever having a time when I wasn’t into superheroes & comics. I think I bought a bulk of a few hundred “meh” level comics from a collector trying to get rid of their doubles & questionable buys when I was about 9. Since then I’ve been wanting to draw them professionally.

QRD – What was the first comic book you ever bought?

William – The first one I can remember was a Kelley Jones Batman issue when I was 7 or so.

QRD – How old were you when you put out your first comic?

William – 24-25 maybe?

QRD – What decade do you think produced the best comics?

William – I don’t know if I can just tie it to a decade. I’m more interested in what creators put out the best books during what eras. I’m obviously biased toward late 90s & early 2000s just because that’s when comics were most influential on me, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the quality of the work put out as a whole.

QRD – Why comics instead of just writing or drawing?

William – To be able to tell a story with a more focused & singular vision, where the only barrier to create is skill, rather than money or agency, which I did not have growing up.

QRD – Do you see mini-comics & indie comics as paths to mainstream comics or as their own unique media?

William – I’d rather see indie comics be their own unique media. I think there are things that studios tried to do in the 90s that would be far more successful now, but a lot of those creators are older & more apathetic. They’re now looking out for their retirement & not trying to make waves. Guys like Mark Waid are taking a chance, but he’s Mark Waid, he’s gonna have the audience to support him. I want to see the next Image, or Gaijin Studios, or Man of Action.

QRD – How many copies of your comic do you print in your first run?

William – I have no clue. I don’t deal with printing really.

QRD – How much do you think comics should cost?

William – I’m in no position to act like I know what a print book should cost, but I think digital issues need to be about 2 bucks, maybe 2.99 if it’s an oversized issue.

QRD – How many books do you produce a year & how many would you like to?

William – I’ve produced an embarrassingly low number of books over the past few years, but I’d like to be putting out at least 6 full issues a year. More than that if I’m only doing part of the process. (Pencils or line art)

QRD – Do you think stories should be serialized or delivered as complete works?

William – I think serialized comics as they are being done now are pretty bad for the most part. I prefer whole stories in one mini-series or trade paperback.

QRD – How are comic strips different than comic books & which medium do you prefer?

William – I prefer comic books but I can see the benefits of strips when doing different sorts of projects.

QRD – How long is it from when you start a comic until it’s printed?

William – 4-5 months if I’m doing it myself. 3-4 months on an assembly line style gig.

QRD – What do you do better with your comics now than when you first started?

William – Everything?

QRD – Do you do thumbnails?

William – I tend to work digitally, so I just layout a few pages & then tighten up each individually on the pencils. Laying out or “thumbnailing” is always the hardest part for me because I have to make the most decisions & troubleshooting there.

QRD – At what size do you draw?


QRD – What kind of pens do you use?

William – Microns.

QRD – What does your workstation look like?

William – It used to look like a skyline of beer bottles & empty cigarette packs, but now it’s a Cintiq at a kitchen table.

QRD – At what point in the artistic process do you work digitally?

William – Usually all the way through, but sometimes I ink traditionally.

QRD – What do you think of digital comics & webcomics?

William – There’s a lot of awesome ones & a lot that suck. There’s a lot of people doing them for nothing & a lot of people who’ve built a business model & supported themselves with them. Their comics. Same thing. Just on the interwebs.

QRD – Do you prefer working in color or black & white?

William – Color.

QRD – How many different people should work on a comic & what should their jobs be?

William – Whatever works best to serve the story.

QRD – How do you find collaborators?

William – I kidnap them & tie them to a drawing table, feeding them only scraps & abusing them nightly with an assortment of whips & chains. After a few years of that they start to produce good work & they became submissive to my every command, which makes the collaboration go smoothly.

QRD – How tight do you think a script should be as far as telling the artist what to draw?

William – Depends on the writer. Depends on the artist. Depends on the project.

QRD – What comic book person would you be most flattered to be compared to?

William – Jack Kirby.

QRD – What do your friends & family think of your comics?

William – Family has been fairly supportive. Friends think it’s more cool than it really is.

QRD – What do you think of superheroes?

William – I think they’re good people & they should be allowed to get married if they want to. Oh wait, wrong debate topic.

QRD – Marvel or DC?

William – Action Lab.

QRD – What comic characters other than your own would you like to work with?

William – Dr. Steel, Hunter Thompson, Deadpool.

QRD – Ideally would you self-publish?

William – Yup.

QRD – What conventions do you try to attend & why?

William – I haven’t been able to attend many prior to this beyond Pittsburgh Comic Con, which was local for me. I’m hoping to attend many more this year on the West Coast.

QRD – What do you do to promote your books?

William – Fail miserably?

QRD – Do you think your comics are well suited to comic shops or would sell better elsewhere?

William – I try to make books that sell to people, so I want them to sell in as many places as possible.

QRD – What other medium would you like to see some of your comics made into (television, film, games, action figures, etc.)?


QRD – Do you consider yourself a comic collector or a comic reader or both?

William – Comic creator. Never been a collector & I rarely get enough time to really sit down & read one. I mostly do the magic behind the curtain anymore.

QRD – What do you see as the most viable mediums for comics distribution 10 years from now?

William – Internet? Distribution really isn’t my thing.

QRD – What would you like to see more people doing with comics?

William – Making them with quality & absolute servitude to the story.