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QRD #56 - Indie Comic Creators Part III
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Comic Creator Interviews with:
David Branstetter
David Paul
Gabriel Dunston
Gary T Becks
Jeremy Whitley
John Porcellino
Ken Eppstein
Nate McDonough
Brenda Hickey
Brian Payne
Suzanne Baumann
Chris Monday
Christiann MacAuley
Katherine Wirick
J.M. Hunter
Mark Oakley
Jason Dube
Zak Sally
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Hey Kidz,

Welcome to QRD #56, the third installment of our indie comic creator interview series.  I hope you dig the interviews & are able to discover something new & cool & have a new comic creator to follow.  If you are interested, here are the other indie comic specials, QRD #48 & QRD #51.  Oh, since you are into comics, you might want to check out the Kickstarter I have going for putting my mini-comics in bottles in the ocean.  Anyway, here’s the interviews this time out:
David Branstetter - Straw Man (July 2012)
David Paul - Ugli Studios Presents vol 1, JOSEPH! (July 2012)
Gabriel Dunston - Funny Thing Happened Today, Off-Panel Hero, & Purgatory Pub (July 2012)
Gary T Becks - Mazscara, Joseph, & Fiendy (July 2012)
Jeremy Whitley - Princeless, The Order of Dagonet, GlobWorld, & Werewolf D.A. (July 2012)
John Porcellino - King-Cat Comics & Stories (July 2012)
Ken Eppstein - Nix Comics (July 2012)
Nate McDonough - Grixly, Don't Come Back, & Bears In Space (July 2012)
Brenda Hickey - In the Air & Ary Inspires (July 2012)
Brian Payne - Zinc Comics (July 2012)
Suzanne Baumann - Turtleneck Boy & As Eavesdropped (July 2012)
Chris Monday - Drink More Water, Three to Four, & Thirty-Four (July 2012)
Christiann MacAuley - Sticky Comics (July 2012)
Katherine Wirick - Nervenkrank & No One Is Safe (July 2012)
J.M. Hunter - Note 2 Self, BAM, & Angry Citizen (July 2012)
Mark Oakley - Thieves & Kings & Stardrop (July 2012)
Jason Dube - Scattered Comics (July 2012)
Zak Sally - Recidivist & Sammy the Mouse (July 2012)

In other news I have still been putting up a bunch more reviews on Finally Checking It Out & Nostalgia Equals Distortion.  The lean lately seems to be towards sci-fi television.  Check them out if you get a chance.

Last month I mentioned that clicking the ads really helps me to feel like doing this is worth my time & I guess some of you have been doing that as my ad revenue nearly doubled this month!  So if you don’t mind clicking an ad when you’re finished reading before closing the window, I’d appreciate it.

I re-wrote the Hello page for QRD.  I realized in writing that there’s some content from the first twenty issues of QRD that I never put up, so I hope to add some vintage content in the near future & I guess after that the priority for QRD will be the long promised e-books.

It’s looking like the next QRD is going to be another installment of label owner interviews & then I’m going to finally launch the long awaited touring musician series.

Thanks for your interest & support, it really means a lot to me.

Brian John Mitchell