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The somewhat squeaky soundscapes of chimes & tubes & viola & voice lies exactly in the field of scum location recordings that I personally adore these days. Not noisy, but with an emphasis on the reverberations made both from the drainage tunnel & the hand held cassette recorder itself. This I like a lot. - Origami Republika e-zine

a brief history of My Glass Beside Yours

My Glass Beside Yours started in 1994 as an unnamed viola/vocal duo, recording on a boombox in a drainage tunnel. All the early material was cover songs (bands like Joy Division, Super 31, Bauhaus, The Cure, Christian Death, & Guided by Voices). The title of an early cassette of that cover material, My Glass Beside Yours, became the band name.

Says Brian John Mitchell, "As bad as we were in retrospect, people kept showing an interest in us maybe because we didn't sound like anything else available at the time. But compilation appearances, shows, & split seven inches kept falling through over the next two years. Musical differences about writing our own material, & my desire to stop singing maybe led to the end of things, as well as our drainage tunnel being sealed off by the city. Pressed is the best of the little snippets of song ideas we had back from 1994-6."

My Glass Beside Yours Discography


Compilation Appearances